FW 190 A-8 W.Nr 171 189 'Black << + -' of Major Karl Kennel, Gruppenkommandeur of II./S.G. 2, Kitzingen, Germany, 8 May 1945 (James V. Crow via David E. Brown)

Frontal view of Kennel's crashed FW 190 A-8 'Black << + -' (James V. Crow via David E. Brown)

FW 190 A-8 'Black << + -' of Major Karl Kennel, Kitzingen, 8 May 1945 (James V. Crow via David E. Brown)
Karl Kennel's FW 190 A-8 was built in July 1944 by the Focke-Wulf factory at Cottbus.[1] According to David E. Brown of Experten Decals, this aircraft carried the standard scheme of RLM 74/75/75, oversprayed with RLM 81 Braunviolett. RLM 81 was field-applied, and on Kennel's aircraft covered the underside of the fuselage and wings, and the undercarriage fairings.[2]

A profile of Karl Kennel's FW 190 A-8 'Black << + -' (N. Page)
[1] P. Rodeike, Focke-Wulf Jagdflugzeug - FW 190A, FW 190 "Dora", Ta 152, H. Struve-Druck, Eutin, p.266
[2] D.E. Brown, Camouflage, posted on Luftwaffe Discussion Group: 12 O'Clock High!, 23 March 2002
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